
Veterans Resources

If you are experiencing a medical emergency: CALL 911.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis:
Confidential National Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (press 1 )

If you are a veteran and are in need of assistance of any kind:

Veterans for Veterans Hotline: 970-799-8387

The assistance is offered throughout southwest Colorado.

Choice Program Billing Issues


The Veterans Service Officer, while not officially affiliated with Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County, is a great resource for any and all veterans in need of assistance. Our VSO is Raymond Taylor. His office hours and phone number are available below.

Raymond Taylor: 970-946-3590
Office Phone: 970-264-4013


Vets4Vets office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.   We usually have someone at the office on Mondays, however you should call first or see one of the board members at one of our regularly scheduled meetings to ensure someone will be at the office.

Archuleta County Resources


Sheriff’s Department: 970-264-8340

County Dispatch: 970-731-2160

Victim’s Assistance: 970-264-9075

Medical Resources

Have you signed up for MYHEALTHEVET ?
If you are a Veteran using the VA health care system, then Myhealthevet is for you.
You can renew your prescription, get your wellness reminders, view information on your allergies and adverse reactions, view your appointments just to name a few…
What are you waiting for? It’s easy and here’s how! Go to (just click on the link) Then look for the ‘Register Today’ button.

Visiting Angles
301 N. Pagosa Blvd, Suite B10
Pagosa Springs, CO. 81147
970.264.5991 Office
970.398.1077 Cell email

VA Numbers & Resources

For full in-depth information, go to the Albuquerque VA Website Here.

Dial 1-(505)-265-1711, then listen to the directions given or select one of the following:

  • “1” if you know your party’s extension

  • “2” for Pharmacy

  • “3” to make/change/cancel an appointment, or to speak with your Primary Care or Specialty Care Provider

  • “4” to speak to a Nurse about a medical condition or problem you are having

  • “5” for questions about Benefits

  • “6” for questions about Billing

  • “0” for other questions (Operator)

K9s For Warriors Website

K9s For Warriors is a Florida-based service dog facility ‘dedicated to providing service canines to warriors suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11.’ Click Here to go to the website.

 Hood Mortuary Directives